Project volunteer Sergeant Colin Taylor and Young Seabird Ambassador Bella Taylor assisted the project today by checking a 100 station monitoring grid we currently have on St Agnes - thanks for your help.
Walk Scilly 2015 started today with the project delivering the first walk. The weather was perfect, visitors heard all about the good work of the project and saw Manx shearwaters burrow on Penninis.
Today the project featured on BBC Radio Cornwall and local news programme BBC One Spotlight. Jaclyn discussed the increased abundance levels of Scilly shrews since the removal of rats on St Agnes and Gugh.
Each Friday our wildlife guides onboard Scillion III Ferry point out the wildlife seen from the boat to the passengers. This week they saw over 225 Manx shearwaters at one point!
Each Friday wildlife Guides point out the widlife seen from the Scillonian III ferry to the pasengers. This week was 'Good Friday wildlife spotting!'
The Spring 2015 edition of 'Scilly Now and Then' is out on the islands - grab a copy to read about the lastest project update.
After the success of Five islands school Year 9 'music in nature' assignment, four young people today took a project field trip to the Manx shearwater burrows, Peninnis, St Mary's. They are advocating our seabirds and the project, becoming our 'youth ambassadors' for the islands, and what a start to the season as we heard a Manx shearwater call back from a burrow!
Today we carried out a seabird field trip on St Agnes and Gugh for the Council of the Isles of Scilly Extended schools services.
Today the IOSWT rangers and volunteer rangers were monitoring for rats as part of the last day of the 'winter monitoring programme as we head into the spring, monitoring programme from April 1st and hand the islands back to the seabirds and they heard a Manxie calling from a burrow -well done team!
On today's widlife Cruise 297 Manx shearwaters were seen - they are really starting to head back to the islands now!