A special place... The Isles of Scilly are one of only two places in England where Manx Shearwaters breed

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Under threat...The Isles of Scilly hold 3,000 fewer pairs of breeding seabirds than 25 years ago

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We need YOUR help to protect our important seabird heritage

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Wildlife Management International Limited (WMIL)

Wildlife Management International Limited (WMIL) are a New Zealand-based conservation consultancy specialising in island restoration. They have undertaken over 25 eradications around the world including four in the UK (Ramsey Island, Lundy Island, Isle of Canna and the Shiants). They are experienced in community-driven conservation initiatives, including eradication projects on island and mainland situations.

The team

Elizabeth (Biz) Bell, Senior Ecologist

Biz has over 20 years experience in island restoration projects. She has directed five major rat eradications (including Lundy Island and Isle of Canna) and completed  over 20 feasibility studies and audit assessments of eradication programmes of islands around the world. She has managed and trained teams of staff, volunteers, community members and stakeholder personnel, working closely with community groups and island communities in conservation projects.

John Tayton, Field Technician (Team Leader)

John was a team leader on the Lundy Island and Isle of Canna rat eradications and has directed volunteers on a number of projects being experienced in rat, bird survey and monitoring methods 

Dave Boyle, Field Technician (Team Leader)

Dave was a team leader on the Isle of Canna rat eradication , Wake Island and Ascension Island. He is experienced in invasive species, bird and marine mammal survey and monitoring methods

Kelvin Floyd, GIS Specialist

Kelvin has over 15 years experience in restoration projects, he was a team Leader on Lundy Island and Isle of Canna rat eradications. Kelvin designs and maintains WMIL eradication databases to determine spatial patterns from data collected in the field which ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation.

Six volunteers joined the team when they carried out the 180 day ground based baiting operation in winter 2013/14.

To find out more visit www.wmil.co.nz



John, WMIL carrying out feasibility study


Biz, WMIL carrying out feasibility study.


The first Manx shearwater chick successfully fledged (in 10 years) from the Isle of Canna immediately following the brown rat eradication.

Principal Funders

  • Eruopa
  • Natura 2000
  • Heritage Lottery Fund

Project Partners and Supporters

  • RSPB
In addition to generous support from LIFE, the EU’s progamme for financing key environmental schemes across the continent and the UK’s own Heritage Lottery Fund, the Seabird Recovery Project is also being supported by the Isles of Scilly’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Sustainable Development Fund and the Isles of Scilly Bird Group.

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