After several days of good sea watching conditions, we set off full of hope of seeing close big shearwaters and big numbers of Manx Shearwaters etc. Unfortunately the NW moderate wind sea state 3-4 did not produce these vast numbers, but we still had good views of wildlife.
On the outward journey we saw 1 Barrel Jellyfish near the harbour, then several Manx crossed us west of Porthgwarra. 3 large shearwaters were too distant to safely ID. From Wolf lighthouse very few birds were seen as with the later return St Mary's to Wolf section. Very few birds crossed off Lands End, but eventually reasonable numbers of Manx Shearwaters were seen flying west, off the Cornish coast up to reaching Newlyn. Just outside Penzance 2 Common Scoters were seen.
Throughout both trips we saw a sprinkling of Gannets, Fulmar and gulls.
Scillonian III was completely full of passengers in both directions. Almost everyone on the out journey took the leaflet with interest. One young parent said it was really good the RSPB having volunteers onboard.
Brian Craven (& David Curtis)