The mist and cloud disappeared, enabling around 60 passengers to watch the partial eclipse of the sun from the Scillonian's outer decks, before departure. The sea was force 2-3 with a cold NE wind blowing.
Off Newlyn a Harbour Porpoise passed close by. We then encountered a steady trickle of 120+ mostly feeding/resting auks up to Wolf Lighthouse . These were mainly Guillemots. A sprinkling of Gannets was encountered along with 3 Kittiwakes, 6 Fulmar, and a single Manx Shearwater, they are returning!
4 Harbour Porpoise showed west of Porthgwarra. Beyond Wolf lighthouse, we saw Fulmars, Gannets and Guillemots. A Great Skua gave good close views.
On the outward journey, Herring Gulls, 14 Guillemots, 2 Razorbills, 37 auk species, 1 Manx Shearwater, 31 Gannets and 7 Kittiwake, were seen in the reducing daylight.
Having left the Scillonian in the dark, at least 5 Purple Sandpipers were found on the rocks adjoining the harbour.
Brian Craven & David Curtis