RSPB staff and volunteers Amy, Matthew, Olly and Tamsin enjoy a break in the sun after digging pitfalls across 4 habitats on St Agnes today.
They are assisting the project to collate data on the response of different species to the rat removal operation. The taxa that are being surveyed are: land birds, invertebrates, plants, lesser white-toothed shrews and rabbits.
The surveys as a whole will form an important part of the overall information-gathering effort during the project, which will greatly increase its value as a learning exercise and demonstration model. Data on the responses of different taxa to the rat removal operation (whether positive or negative) will be highly useful in informing the development of future projects and thinking on island restoration more generally.
Tonight they are carrying out rabbit surveys after 10pm and then they are up early tomorrow morning to survey the landbirds - what troopers!