Thank you to St Agnes Boating who support the project and ensure that the community and visitors see seabirds on the Western Rocks.
Thank you to Isles of Scilly Travel for supporting our live interpreters onboard the Scillonian III, enabling them to show and explain the seabirds found in the waters around the islands to the many visitors who sail to and from Scilly. Thank you also for their support in freighting vital project equipment to the island.
The school on the islands (split into four bases across the five islands) has always been keen to be involved with connecting and learning from the marine environment. Each base is currently involved in the many activities the project offers to its young seabird ambassadors. Thanks to all the staff, team and young people at the school who continue to support the project.
Thank you to the steamship company for ongoing biosecurity and surveillance. Team members have been trained to use rodenticide on St Mary's quay in lockable bait stations in order to reduce the likleyhood of rats gaining access to boats and onwards to St Agnes and Gugh.
St Agnes Boating wildlife safair boat trips with volunteer Darren Mason