A special place... The Isles of Scilly are one of only two places in England where Manx Shearwaters breed

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Under threat...The Isles of Scilly hold 3,000 fewer pairs of breeding seabirds than 25 years ago

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We need YOUR help to protect our important seabird heritage

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Seabird population changes are driven by various factors.  At sea, issues include changes in food sources, bycatch and pollution. On land, the biggest threat to seabirds is the predation by non-native invasive animals of the eggs, young and adults.  Other factors include disturbance, persecution and other forms of predation.  Climate change could have a significant effect on some species, particularly those at the edge of their range.

On the islands the biggest issues are currently believed to be predation by rats on the burrow and crevice nesting seabirds such as Manx shearwater, storm petrel and puffin.  For other species such as kittiwake and the larger gull species, productivity studies indicate that the underlying issue looks likely to be changes to or availability of food at sea.  Food is also probably an underlying issue for common tern but this is masked by the effects of high tides and storm events inundating nests on their preferred breeding island.

Threats can act in combination so whilst some factors may be having an impact on breeding seabirds they may not be the primary cause but just a symptom of a wider problem.

Many seabirds are vunerable on land. 
RSPB rspb-images.com 

Principal Funders

  • Eruopa
  • Natura 2000
  • Heritage Lottery Fund

Project Partners and Supporters

  • RSPB
In addition to generous support from LIFE, the EU’s progamme for financing key environmental schemes across the continent and the UK’s own Heritage Lottery Fund, the Seabird Recovery Project is also being supported by the Isles of Scilly’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Sustainable Development Fund and the Isles of Scilly Bird Group.

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