A special place... The Isles of Scilly are one of only two places in England where Manx Shearwaters breed

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Under threat...The Isles of Scilly hold 3,000 fewer pairs of breeding seabirds than 25 years ago

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We need YOUR help to protect our important seabird heritage

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Project slideshow

BBC Countryfile film the project in 2014
Seabird task force team day one of baiting
Seabird task force team day one of baiting
Seabird surveys on Annet
Project staff with St Agnes and Gugh representative Cllr Richard McCarthy
'Seabird safari boat trips' with project volunteer live interpreter Darren Mason
Looking for Manx Shearwaters rafting at dusk from a boat trip
Volunteer 'sign up day'
'Shearwater Special' evening seabird trips with guide Will Wagstaff
Community beach clean with assistance from RNAS Culdrose Squadron 824
Ecological monitoring work for shrews
St Agnes boating seabird boat trips
Volunteers making bait stations at the Penzance reserve
Seabird surveys
Project steering group
Looking out for Storm Petrels and Shearwaters from a boat trip
Community talk on St Agnes ahead of baiting
'Seabird Ambassadors' at summer fete
Interviews about the project for 'Radio Scilly' 107.9fm
Resident Farmer and 'Seabird Ambassador' Fran Hicks
'Date with Nature' walks on Tresco talk about the project and the important seabirds on the islands
Live interpreter volunteer Darren Mason
Project delivers school assembly
Bait awareness workshop at St Agnes School
Getting the islands 'rat-free' ready by removing wind fall apples
ITV west country local news filmed the first day of baiting
Bonfire night removed wood which can provide potential habitat fro rats. Photo by Alastair Wilson
Fun at the fetes with the 'Shearwater food chain game'
The project supported the local bonfire and firework night on St Agnes and Gugh at the start of the removal phase
Seabird Task Force volunteers and WMIL build bait boxes for th IOS Wildlife Trust to continue baiting on the off islands. Photo Alastair Wilson
IOS Wildlife Trust Ranger Darren Hart and the team receive training from WMIL
St Agnes school present 'Feliz Navidad' christmas card wishing Manx shearwaters in Argentine Merry Christmas
WMIL lead tour for AONB Joint Advisory Group
Project sign at St Agnes campsite
WMIL lead tour for AONB Joint Advisory Group
Project interpretation signs on St Agnes
Dave and Will from WMIL put up project signs on board St Agnes boats
Project Manager talks to funders and AONB Joint Advisory group
Annet seabird survey
Arrival of project team
Rat on a Rat Sticker
South West RSPB conservation group
Team takes a break at St Agnes lighthouse
Fisherman friend John Cleaves donated books to St Agnes school about the adventures of 'Gully the herring gull'
Lantern workshops
Team members collect the bait stations back in March 2014
Baiting on Annet
Gannet lantern for the 2014 Festival of Light
Gully the lantern!
Making lanterns for the Seabird lantern festival
Bin day on St Agnes 2013 - rat proof bins!
Seabird Education at St Agnes school
Making rat motels
'Spring into Scilly' holiday club event
Seabird Recovery Project leaflet
University of Exeter field trip to the project
University of Exeter field trip to the project
Look out for seabirds on the ferry!
Leaflets a great success
Intrepreters will show you the wildlife from the Scillonian III ferry
Biosecurity training
'Rat on a Rat' sticker on-board boats
Biz and Skip - see you in 2 years!
BBC countryfile
BBC countryfile
'Music in Nature'
Five island school year 9 music class 'Music in Nature' project
Five Island school 'Music in Nature' winners
Monitoring stations
BBC countryfile on Samson
World gig championship in backdrop to project surveys!
World gig championship in backdrop to project surveys!
Manxies back! Manxies back!
Manxies back!
Land bird survey by volunteer John Headon on Bryher
Land bird survey by volunteer John Headon on Bryhe
Land bird survey by volunteer John Headon on Bryhe
Biosecurity training in Penzance
Guides on the Scillonian
Cows are interested in pitfalls too!
Vegetation training
Slow worm on Bryher!
Shrew tunnels
Measuring height of vegetation structure
Bryher surveys
Spring 2014 ecological monitoring volunteer team
Rio the dog helps
Woolly Bear!
Will this be a Manx burrow?
Permanent monitoring station
Leucistic puffin - Photo taken by Juliet Moore
Oysercatcher nest
Golden Hair lichen
Six-spot burnet moth
Gugh bird survey
May 2014 trip to Annet
Martin the boat man!
Manxie burrow
Thrift on Annet
Gull chicks
Fulmar egg
Ed, photography intern
Winter damage to Manx shearwater burrows
Jaclyn with Seabird Ecologist, Vickie Heaney
Vickie, Kirsty and Lydia on Annet
Shag nest
Messy Seabird nests!
Manxie burrow
Getting ready for the survey
Listening to Storm Petrels under the rocks on Annet
Rain doesn't stop Olly and Matt
Kirsty in St Agnes outdoor lab
Vegetation Identification training
Training on Gugh
Vegetation surveys
Time to get down!
Fixed point photos
Call back from previously ratty burrows on Gugh
Seabird Ecologist Vickie Heaney
Visitors listen to Manx Shearwater calls on gugh
Monitoring kittiwakes
Cracking views!
First Manx shearwater chick in living memory!
Manxie - amazing seabirds
ROAR training for IOSWT Volunteer rangers and Linsdey
Biosecurity training
Walk Scilly 2014
Seabird technical group 2014
St Agnes beach clean
Ornithology intern, Sophie-May Lewis, with birders on St Agnes
Apple and seed bird feeders made by St Agnes school
Apple and seed bird feeder made by St Agnes school
Apple day at St Agnes School
Working with the community on 'Bin Day' 2014
Seabird slideshow at the Turks Head
Bat and Shrew walk
St Martin's School Seabird day with willow fish
Project volunteers in the Turks Head garden
Project manager, Jaclyn with Mike Dilger after a day of filming on St Agnes
Lydia and Jaclyn with BBC Inside Out film crew, St Agnes
Project volunteers identify beetles found in pitfall traps
Volunteers examine the last of the pitfall traps for 2014
BBC 'inside out' film the project Autumn 2014
Biosecurity training in the office
shrew teeth marks on monitoring wax
Scillyshrew living in monitoring station
shrew in Jaclyn's hat!
IOSWT carrying out monitoring on uninhabited islands
Bonfire night 2014 to destroy rat harbouring material
Biosecurity trainig
Seabird Monitoring on St Helens
Seabird Monitoring on St Helens
Biosecurity training with IOSWT
Minke Whale spotted off the Scilly coast
Seabird Recovery Project leaflets well received
Lantra Training
Biz training the Penzance Office in Biosecurity
Guides aboard the Scillonian III Ferry
Biosecurity Monitoring team
Our first Manxie chick!
Work with a view
Scilly Sgt Colin supports the project

Principal Funders

  • Eruopa
  • Natura 2000
  • Heritage Lottery Fund

Project Partners and Supporters

  • RSPB
In addition to generous support from LIFE, the EU’s progamme for financing key environmental schemes across the continent and the UK’s own Heritage Lottery Fund, the Seabird Recovery Project is also being supported by the Isles of Scilly’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Sustainable Development Fund and the Isles of Scilly Bird Group.

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